Guidance Lesson: Multiple Intelligences (9th - 12th grade)
What does it mean to be INTELLIGENT? To a student, the word intelligence usually co-exists with the concept of getting good grades, taking "hard" classes, and doing well on any sort of exam. Those who fall in this category are thought of as the smart kids- or in other words, intelligent. Conceptualizing intelligence this way consequently implies that if a student does not do well in the previously listed activities, they are either not intelligent, or not as intelligent as those who do. Before addressing such beliefs, take some time to consider the definition of intelligence: in·tel·li·gence /inˈtelijəns/ 1. the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills. Nowhere in this definition of intelligence is there any mention of GPA, SAT scores, or passing of state testing. While excelling in any or all of these areas is important, they do not define whether an individual has a strong presence or lack of intelligence. They may however, provide i...