
Showing posts from December, 2016

Guidance Lesson: Social Boundaries

Guidance Lesson: Social Boundaries By: Samantha Lundberg Topic: Establishing appropriate social boundaries Grade level: Middle or high school special education students Rationale and clear purpose for the unit or lesson:             This guidance lesson will seek to help students on the autism spectrum or others who struggle with social interaction to better understand levels of intimacy and communication within different types of relationships. As a result of this lesson, students will be able to articulate what types of information should be communicated to friends, family, community helpers, strangers, and other people groups. Additionally, they will be able to put the skills into practice by demonstrating discretion in their communication regarding topics of varying levels of importance and privacy. Students will learn through both oral communication and discussion of the ideas and a tangible, hands-on activity which they can...

Guidance Lesson: Problem Solving

Guidance Lesson: Problem Solving   This activity provides students the opportunity to learn that sometimes problems are best solved with help or support from trusted adults, friends, and professional. By working together in teams, students learn how to give and receive help in order to solve problems. Students will complete tasks and show they are able to work as a team. After this lesson student will be able to identify who they can ask for help with problems. Students will be asked to discuss support systems and be able to identify people who can help them stay safe. This is especially important for students whose diverse needs may not be met by general education settings. This can lead to students feeling “weird”, “different”, and isolated. These students may be marginalized and struggle to make or recognize the supports around them. It is important for these students to know there are people who can help them and it is okay to ask for help. This lesson focuses on the support st...

Guidance Lesson: Personal Space

Guidance Lesson: Personal Space Topic: Personal Space Camp Grade Level: Kindergarten- 5 th Special Education Rational and purpose: This lesson is aimed at students who are enrolled in special education classes and struggling with knowing their personal space. Giving students the knowledge to understand what is appropriate in regards to their own space, adult’s space and their classmate’s space will help ensure a safe school environment. Students will listen to the counselor read a book on personal space, work on an interactive worksheet, and receive a certificate at the end. Introduction Objective: Students will understand the meaning of personal space and what it means to keep their own personal space and invading other people’s personal space. Previous Knowledge: Students have been given rules/parameters before, but need clarification and further discussion on what is appropriate and not at the school.   I will assess previous knowledge with a pre-test question, “What is personal...

Guidance Lesson: Exploring Anger

Guidance Lesson Plan Topic: Exploring Anger By: Shelly Byers Grade Level: Special Education Students in a Behavioral Intervention Classroom (Grades 4-6) Introduction:   Students in a Behavioral Intervention (BI) classroom may struggle with managing anger, which can cause them to miss a significant amount of time in the classroom to de-escalate.   In order for a student to become learning ready once again, he/she requires tools to regulate anger. This guidance lesson will teach students who have difficulty managing anger, that anger is a normal emotion.   It is acceptable to feel anger, it is the action taken after the anger is felt which needs to be managed.   Students will explore the emotion of anger, facts about anger, how to notice the physical effects of anger, and understand reasons they may feel anger, through a Prezi presentation and discussion.   Students will be given a true/false questionnaire prior to the lesson and after the lesson, as a m...

Guidance Lesson: Following Directions

Guidance Lesson Plan   Topic: Following Directions Grade(s): Elementary 6 th grade special education Rational and Purpose:   The ability to follow directions from start to finish is an important skill that is utilized in all areas of life.   This lesson is created to help students practice and recognize the importance of following spoken, written and visual directions.   Students will also learn techniques that can be used to persist through any challenges faced while following directions. Applicable ASCA Standards: A: A1.5 – Identify attitudes and behaviors that lead to successful learning A: A2.2 – Demonstrate how effort and persistence positively affect learning (American School Counselor Association [ASCA], 2004).   Step One: (3 minutes) Begin this lesson by reviewing whole body listening skills and how listening skills help our brain learn and grow.   Ask the class if they are ready to put their listening skills to the test by follow...

Guidance Lesson: Growth Mindset Language

Growth Mindset Language By: Aftan Lissy Introduction Overview:   Our thoughts and words influence our ability to be successful. We will face difficult and challenging tasks often, and what makes us successful is to keep trying. Students will have the opportunity to keep trying with their own task and they will hear a story of a girl who keeps trying even when she wants to   quit.   Activate previous knowledge: most students already know what it feels like to be encouraged by another person, and we will discuss how the same is true about how we talk to ourselves. Students will have the opportunity to reframe their negative language in a way that encourages them to keep trying. Example: I don’t know how to do this becomes I don’t know how to do this yet.   Activities Students will be given a piece of paper and scissors, and invited to re-create a paper structure that will be at the front of the class. Students will not be allowed to touch the structure, but they can lo...