
Showing posts from October, 2017

Conscience Guidance Lesson

                                          Grade level: K-8th Lilia Hueso, Lindsey Earl, and Kyle Johnson (SJV) Rationale and clear purpose for the unit or lesson (it’s a summary of your group planning): Students will understand and be able to explain conscience. Pre and post-assessments will show students’ growth through students writing and verballing telling what the definition of conscience is.  Activities such as scenarios, art projects, and poems will be utilized to demonstrate an understanding of conscience.  Students will be able to recognize their conscience and be able to act on it.  To achieve the learning objective, there will be consistent checking for understanding, through simple thumbs up and various activities.  We will know students have met the learning objectives through how they define conscience and are able to apply it to the different areas....


Guidance Lesson: Empathy Aleksey Fischer, Katalina Chacon, Kelly McCarthy, Megan Steilen     The guidance lesson is geared toward K-8 students. The lesson focuses on empathy and the impact it has in our lives. What is empathy? How do we show empathy? What is the difference between empathy and sympathy? Students will explore what empathy looks, and learn to show empathy in their own lives. In the form of scenarios, students will be challenged to truly see with the eyes of another, listen with the ears of another, and feel with the heart of another. Guidance Lesson Topic: Empathy Grade Level: K-8 Rationale and clear purpose for the unit or lesson: The students are to learn about empathy in order to understand how to show empathy in their daily lives. It is important for students to understand what it is like to be in someone else's’ shoes so that they can better help others through whatever struggles. Applicable ASCA standard(s), objective(s), competency(ies):  ...