Behavior Management Strategies: Elementary Education

As Teachers, Administration and School Counselors it is so important to model behavior expected from our students. Classroom management not only affects the teachers but affects how an administration and school counselor can function as well. Students need to feel safe and comfortable in order to learn and be productive. When teachers can create an environment free from high risk behavior and disruption everyone wins.

The following are just a few examples of classroom management:

Quiet Zone

Image result for quiet reading corner in classroomStudents are asked to remove themselves from the situation and sit in a quiet spot away from distraction, preferably in a comfortable chair/beanbag to gather their thoughts. There, a teacher may also take the time to quietly ask the student what they can do to help them be less agitated or resolve what is distracting them. This is an opportunity for the student to calm their nerves, reading a book is a great way to refocus and lower anxious behavior.

Buddy System

**This strategy will need direct communication between teachers, counselors and administration. 


  • A teacher with a free period (empty classroom)
  • All administration, counselors and teachers open communication and agreement
  • Student takes homework or a book to read in new classroom

If a student is have trouble focusing, disrupting a classroom or becoming irritated to high level this may be a very helpful strategy. If a student is having trouble they may enter another classroom with another teacher's supervision to continue their work alone. This works when all teachers have consented and are open to watch the student. The positives of this strategy are the student has an opportunity to clam their nerves, work on homework, not distract other students and continue learning in a less distracting environment.

Clip Up - Clip Down 

A Clip Up and Down chart is a chart that has each students' name on a clip and at the beginning of everyday they begin at "Ready to Learn." As the day progresses under the teacher's discretion students may move up or down the chart. This chart is placed in order to promote positive behavior not discipline or embarrass students if they are "clipped down." Promoting students to move up and not continuously move down is the goal.

*Teachers should understand the implications and take discretion when moving students down the board, moving one down or two may be acceptable, but if behavior reaches further involving administration is recommended. 

A behavioral chart in the classroom depicting student's behavior throughout the day is a great visual for students to be reminded how they are doing in class that day. It is also a great reminder to students where they currently stand in regards to their performance in the classroom. Rewards or sincere praise are recommended for students' movement up in order to promote behavior.

Strategies continued...

  • Model expected behavior
  • Give instructions on behavior expected at the very beginning of class, school or in counseling session. 
  • Advise of consequences of behavior
  • If, expectations are violated follow through with consequences


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