Strategies to Promote a Safe, Nurturing and Inclusive School Environment in High School

High School can be a tough time for many of our students. Not only are they becoming self aware, they are beginning to understand the complexities that come with peer interactions. Some of those include popularity, labeling, social standards, bullying and much more. As students are navigating this sometimes tough road its extremely important to create an inclusive environment where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. 

School-wide program practices for students and faculty: P.R.I.D.E. 

Perseverance - stay positive to overcome obstacles and learn from mistakes
Respect - show appreciation, consideration, and acceptance of yourself and others
Integrity - adherence to code of behavior
Discipline - strive for consistency to achieve goals and exceed expectations
Excellence - do your personal best and inspire excellence in others

  • The counselors provide a comprehensive school guidance program supporting students and families in a positive, proactive, and holistic approach in a variety of ways, including:
  1. Monitoring academic achievement
  2. Meeting the needs of student’s personal growth
  3. Assisting with special needs
  4. Facilitating communication with teachers
  5. Development and implementation of interventions
  6. Planning for post-secondary education
  7. Providing referrals to community services

Ideas to Improve
  • We should always strive to provide a supportive environment where all students feel and believe they are respected and empowered to reach their full expectations, which can be measured by holding students accountable.
  • Teachers collaborate with Administration and Counselors to implement disciplinary actions with students in a progressive manner.  We also celebrate students’ successes often and with intention.
  • Our continued communication and collaboration can be expanded to meetings at school with parents/guardians, thank you notes given directly to student, and communication home to give positive feedback.
Why is it Important?
  • “Every student, every classroom, every day” is not just a mantra, but a way to build  relationships with students to inspire academic achievement and promote personal growth that will carry on to lifelong learning. 
  • All Students need guidance in personal choices, as high school is the final transition into young adulthood and independence. 
  • All Students need a school climate that helps them define who they are and where they fit in the world.
How to Promote Resiliency and Mitigate Risk
  • Administration, counselors and teachers provide a leadership role and personal touch of hope and optimism. 
  • We are proactive in enhancing students’ strengths and intervening with high risk behaviors to reduce the risk of harmful consequences.  
  • Students can count on us to respond and intervene when they fall. 
  • We can make students feel part of a family with humor, respect, and appreciation.
  • We believe in second chances.


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