Guidance Lesson: Teamwork

Teamwork Guidance Lesson
“Egg Drop” Activity

Kyle Johnson & Katalina Chacon

Topic: Teamwork (using interpersonal intelligence)
Grade level: Elementary to High School

Rationale and clear purpose for the unit or lesson (it’s a summary of your group planning):
·         The purpose of this lesson is to encourage team building, and understand the value of teamwork cooperation and communication.
·         Students will understand the importance of working in teams. The lesson will show the importance of teamwork and building on each other’s strengths for best team outcomes.
·         Students will experience the forming process of a group, and learn to communicate their thoughts, feelings, and skills.
·         The goal is to have students use interpersonal skills to work with others, build on each others strengths, compromise, and use resources.
·         We will provide material and purpose of activity, however, it will be up to them to find solutions.

·         We will know the students have met the objective when they cooperate with each other, share ideas, ask for help, and reach out for more resources using interpersonal intelligence.


       Overview: To teach the value of communicating and cooperating in a team environment. 
        Activate previous knowledge: Ask students about teamwork.
       What is teamwork?
       What are characteristics of good teamwork?
       Create anticipation – Encourage learning
       Before starting activity, have students split up into two teams. Encourage using interpersonal communication to create a team name.

Developmental Learning Activities designed to meet the objective(s)

       What are the activities? Activities for the counselor? Activities for the student?

“Egg Drop” activity
       Divide students into groups of 4-6. They will use material provided to design a structure that will support an egg from breaking from a 10 to 20-foot drop. The activity will prompt active interaction and communication.
       School counselors will explain rules and give directions but will leave it up to students to communicate and collaborate with each other.
       Each team will be given their own materials.  Students will have 12 minutes to use the materials provided to protect their egg.  Continue to encourage students to use communication and collaboration as they work together.  After the 12 minutes is up, use a ladder (or another appropriate place to drop the protected eggs from) and have one student from each team drop their protected eggs.  After the drop, check to see if the eggs are still intact.
       How do these activities meet the objectives of the lesson?
       The “Egg Drop” activity will invite students to engage and collaborate with team members. It will encourage teamwork for planning and developing a method that will protect the egg. The activity will encourage social interaction and an understanding of each team member's strengths. It will also encourage students to interact with students outside of their team.
       Do the activities maintain the activity level of the students (keep them engaged)?
       The “Egg Drop” will keep students engaged for 15-20 minutes. Students will be engaged in planning, problem solving, and building a structure as a team. The activity will also encourage critical thinking.
       Considerations: Make sure there are enough students to form groups of 4-6. 


       Summarize: 2-5 minutes before you close – Restate the objectives – “Tell them what you taught them”
       Review the importance of teamwork
       How teamwork impacted their activity
       Review the importance of communication and an individual’s role in a team
       How will you assess/measure/know that you’ve reached the objectives? How will you know that the students have learned and met the objectives?
       Revisit the question - What is teamwork? What was your role in the team?
       How did communication and collaboration contribute to the team outcome?
       Why is it important to use interpersonal skills in teamwork?
       How does this apply to situations outside of this activity?
       Check for understanding throughout the lesson.

Closing and Follow up
       Independent practice and homework - Have students identify how they use interpersonal intelligence in everyday activities.
       How do you use interpersonal intelligence in social interactions? Pay attention to your interaction with friends and family members. Try to pick up on their emotions, facial expressions, and body posture.

       Cotton balls
       Pipe cleaners
       Popsicle sticks
       Bubble wrap
       Other additional material


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